Industrial Heat Exchanger FAQs

Heat exchangers are key elements of industrial heating systems for facilities in a variety of industries. Alongside other major pieces of industrial heating equipment, like thermal fluid heaters, heat exchangers serve to transfer heat between fluids and gases, making various processes possible.  Looking to learn more about heat exchangers? You’ve come to the right place. […]

Industrial Bayonet Immersion Heaters: What They Are & How They Work

If you’re looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to heat large quantities of fluid at your plant or facility, an industrial bayonet immersion heater may be your best bet. These versatile pieces of heating equipment are incredibly effective when it comes to regulating the temperature of process solutions, oils, heat transfer fluids and more. […]

Standards for Sanitary & High-Purity Processing Equipment

Understanding Sanitary Standards It is important to understand the standards and code requirements that apply to processing equipment. And as industries grow and evolve, more regulation is sure to follow. It’s wise to get ahead of the curve, by designing in features that are preferred by the FDA and other state and federal agencies upfront. […]

Exchanger System Helps Food Packager Put the Soup On

A mechanical contractor for a Chicago-based liquid-foods packager had an interesting and challenging cooling application. An important client planned to award the foods packager a large contract for packaging soup if they could satisfy one stipulation: The company had to guarantee that the product would be cooled from 198°F (92°C) to precisely 77°F (25°C) before […]